On Wednesday, a light-hearted incident unfolded in the Big Brother Naija ‘No Loose Guard’ house when Handi was challenged to perform a lap dance for married contestant Kellyrae, with his wife Kassia and other housemates observing.
Handi took on the challenge and executed the lap dance, despite the presence of Kassia and their fellow housemates.
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Previously, Handi had mentioned her intention to twerk on Kellyrae as a way to tease Kassia, who has been acting friendly towards her husband.
In a diary session, Kellyrae expressed that he might pretend to be interested in Handi to divert attention from his marriage to Kassia.
Here’s the moment when Handi was challenged to dance for Kellyrae. Kassia’s reaction is priceless. She’s certainly holding her own.#BBNaija pic.twitter.com/HGJ8gGj3KJ
— Rainyzion (@Rainyzion) September 11, 2024